International & Area Studies





Program Options

Area of Concentration, Joint Concentration

About the International & Area Studies Program

应对全球相互依存的独特挑战, 国际研究项目提供了几个AOC选项. The International & 区域研究(IAS)集中的目的是为了满足新一代的需要,训练进入国际舞台与国际体系的全面视图和在世界事务的主要地区或问题的深入了解.

IAS集中领域提供三个轨道,既满足学生的一系列兴趣,又为未来在该领域的学习或工作提供坚实的培训. The “area studies” track combines fundamental courses on the international political and economic systems with the student’s choice of specialization in a regional area; the “systemic track” focuses on a deeper understanding of the international political and economic systems; and the “issue” track is designed for students with a specific interest in a major international issue that affects more than one region, e.g. global health issues or peace and conflict.

除了IAS AOC的这三个轨道之外, 我们在加勒比和拉丁美洲研究方面提供单独的aoc, East Asian Studies, and European Studies. 这些aoc课程是为那些对其中一个地区有浓厚兴趣而不太关注国际体系的学生设计的. 学生可以自由地集中在IAS区域研究轨道下的其他区域领域或作为单独设计的专业.

International & Area Studies, Asian Studies, Caribbean and Latin American Studies, East Asian Studies, 和欧洲研究也是非常适合学生将其与学科aoc相结合的联合aoc, 因此,我们为这些选项提供了一套简化的要求.

大约有100个资助机会直接与国际 & 区域研究目前提供给我们的学生, 在我们的项目中有很多扩展研究和出国学习的机会! See the CEO’s Scholarship-Fellowship Database for more information.

On the third Wednesday of every month, IAS计划将于下午4-5点举办全球周三讲座(GWT)系列. From individual speakers to small panels, 来自新博网址是多少内外的演讲者都会就一系列与国际领域有关的主题发表演讲. GWTs为听众直接参与和会后讨论提供了一个空间. For details on topics and location, learn more here.

有关IAS计划的最新消息,请查看我们的 Youtube channel and follow us on Twitter @NCFIAS!

“我的梦想是从事国际发展、外交服务或全球新闻工作. As the nerve center for the European Union, NATO and transatlantic diplomacy, 比利时将为我提供机会,让我沉浸在一个多元化的国际社会中,这对我的目标至关重要. As a first-generation, low-income student, 我很高兴有机会看到更多的世界,追逐我的梦想.”

Jacob Wentz
Graduate 2020

Featured Course

Recent courses

  • 高级西班牙语:拉丁美洲视角
  • 开放时代:毛之前的中国(1912- 1949)
  • 超越梦想:批判视角下的拉丁历史
  • China, Africa and Globalization
  • Chinese Economy
  • Chinese History Since 1800
  • Conservation and Indigenous Knowledge
  • Contemporary French History
  • Empire, Power and Culture: The Mongols
  • 《食品、燃料、纤维和金融:全球资本主义史
  • Geography of Globalization
  • International Law and Politics
  • Introduction to International Business
  • Islamic Movements, Past and Present
  • Latin America Social Theory
  • Medieval Cities
  • Modernism in the Visual Arts: 1900-1940
  • Money, Banking and Financial Markets
  • 拉丁美洲非洲散居者的音乐
  • Race and Ethnicity in Global Perspective
  • 铭记从未存在过的:当代拉丁美洲短篇小说
  • 大象的撤退:东亚艺术与考古中的环境史
  • 闪亮的珠宝:东亚的佛教艺术与实践
  • 翻译工作坊:从西班牙语到英语
  • World Economic History

Potential Career Pathways

  • International Business
  • International Relations
  • Global Public Health
  • Social Services
  • Nonprofits & NGOs
  • Foreign Service
  • Education
  • Communications
  • Law
  • Travel and Tourism

Contact Us

International & Area Studies Program

Phone Number

Email Address


Palmer C 215

IAS Faculty

Emma Knadle

Office Manager

Dr. Manuel Lopez

Interim Dean of Studies


Dr. Jing Zhang


International & Area Studies Director

Dr. Yidong Gong

Assistant Professor of Anthropology

Dr. Manuel Lopez

Interim Dean of Studies


Dr. Gerardo Toro-Farmer


Dr. Hugo R. Viera-Vargas


Dr. Jing Zhang


International & Area Studies Director

Dr. Frank Alcock

Professor of Political Science & Environmental Studies

Anthony Andrews

Professor Emeritus of Anthropology

Dr. Carrie Beneš

Professor of History

Chart Your Course Director

Dr. David Brain

Urban Studies Program Director

Professor of Sociology

Dr. Katherine Brion


Tracy Collins

Associate Professor of Economics

Erin Dean

Associate Professor of Anthropology

Dr. Kristopher Fennie

Associate Professor of Epidemiology


Amanda Fidalgo

Assistant Professor of Political Science

Dr. Yidong Gong

Assistant Professor of Anthropology

David Harvey


Sarah Hernandez

Associate Professor of Sociology & Caribbean and Latin American Studies


Barbara Hicks

Social Science Division Chair

Professor of Political Science

Dr. Tarron Khemraj


William and Marie Selby Chair

Dr. Sonia Labrador-Rodriguez


Dr. Fang-yu Li


Dr. Manuel Lopez

Interim Dean of Studies


Mariam Manzur-Leiva

Director of Teaching & Learning

Quality Matters Coordinator & Teaching Online Certificate Facilitator

Dr. Nassima Neggaz

Associate Professor of History and Religion

Dr. Jose Alberto Portugal


Dr. Amy Reid

Professor of French Language and Literature

Director of Gender Studies

Xia Shi

Associate Professor of History

Marian Hoppin Chair of Asian Studies

Dr. Wendy Sutherland

Professor of German & Black European and Diaspora Studies

Dr. Gerardo Toro-Farmer


Dr. Hugo R. Viera-Vargas


Dr. Alina Wyman

Professor of Russian Language and Literature

Dr. Jessica Young

Assistant Professor of Global English

Faculty Steward of the Dr. Helen N. 费金关于大屠杀、种族灭绝和人权的合集

Dr. Sherry Yu


Dr. Queen Zabriskie


MacArthur Professorship 2019-2022

Study Abroad
