Pre-Law Professional Program

新博网页 students participate in Mock Trial in a beautiful classroom.

Since our founding, hundreds of New College graduates have successfully pursued legal careers. Our exceptional fearless learning and forward-thinking academic program, along with dynamic 经历 outside the classroom, offer New College students the perfect mix of skills and preparation needed to pursue law school. Our Pre-Law Professional Community helps connect pre-law students to special programs, 活动, 经历, and preparation that sets them apart from other law school applicants. Through personalized pre-law advising and career coaching, students in the Pre-Law Professional Community have the professional and peer support to achieve their goals.

Join the Pre-Law Professional Community!

攻读法学院? Please email pre-law advisor Shelli Freeland Eddie, Esq. and join the Pre-Law Professional Community!

Top Law Schools that Accepted New College Graduates

前15名*前25 *前50名*
哥伦比亚大学Arizona State University波士顿学院
康奈尔大学波士顿大学College of William and Mary
杜克大学埃默里大学Florida State University
乔治敦大学George Washington University乔治梅森大学
哈佛大学University of California-Irvine印第安纳大学
加州大学洛杉矶分校University of Southern California亚利桑那大学
University of California-Berkeley德克萨斯大学科罗拉多大学
密歇根大学 佐治亚大学
  University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
  University of Washington

*Law school rankings in the 2021 edition of U.S. 新闻与世界报道


Attorney Shelli Freeland Eddie joins NCF as 法律系的顾问 and Adjunct Professor. She is a Florida licensed attorney with 18 years of legal experience, in both the public and private sectors.  She manages her own law firm, The Freeland Eddie Law Group, P.A., and actively serves in the 萨拉索塔 County Bar Association on the governance and Council for Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) committees, as Chair of the Association’s Pipeline Committee, which is committed to creating and expanding access to legal education and employment for attorneys with diverse backgrounds in the 萨拉索塔/Manatee region.

A graduate of the University of Kentucky, Attorney Freeland Eddie holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and a Juris Doctorate degree in Law. She worked as an Assistant State Attorney for the 12th 司法电路, along with work in the private sector, before founding her own law firm, located in the Newtown community near the Ringling College of Art and Design. She also served our community as an elected City Commissioner, Vice Mayor and Mayor for the City of 萨拉索塔 for 5 years.

Attorney Freeland Eddie will advise Pre-Law students along with helping connect students to special programs, 活动, 经历 and preparation that sets them apart from other law school applicants. Through personalized pre-law advising and career coaching opportunities, New College Pre Law students will receive professional and peer support to achieve their academic and future employment goals.

Attorney Freeland Eddie will also be working with NCF Graduate and New College Law Society (NCLS) Founder Rhys Shanahan to coach and prepare the Mock Trial and Moot Court teams for their annual competitions. She intends to work with the local county bar association and NCF alumni to provide attorneys and judges to serve as judges to prepare the students for competition and provide advocacy and litigation skills and techniques through an advocacy ISP (Independent Study Project) offered annually.


The Law School 招生 Test (LSAT) is a half-day test offered four times a year: February, 6月, 十月和十二月.

If you are serious about going to law school, 一般来说, time spent preparing for the LSAT will have a greater return on your investment than time spent on nearly any other academic project, be it eight class assignments, finals or even thesis work.

LSAT考试是, 平均, 60 percent of what law schools take into consideration in determining admission — for a school like New College where we don’t have a GPA, this figure is presumably even higher.

Every reputable law school requires that you take the LSAT. Almost all of those students accepted at the top 25 law schools have LSAT scores which place them in the top 90 percent (or above) of all test takers. While it is difficult to get into a top law school without a high LSAT score, you should take some comfort in scoring anything above average on the LSAT. Working on improving your LSAT score should be at the top of your priorities.
